Wednesday, October 21, 2009

No, Nay, NEVER!

While music taste is largely subjective, there are some things which, for the sake of all that is good and holy in this world, we must simply regard as objective truths. These would be "Well, duh!" statements like "Mozart was pretty damn talented," or "The Fugees kicked ass" or "Jonah Weiner needs to pass whatever he is smoking because he has clearly had too much."

I love a good guitar riff as much as the next guy, and who doesn't miss those grungy days when "alternative" music was actually an alternative to something? But it takes more than nostalgia and soaring riffs to rescue the fail-train that is Scott Stapp. It was bad enough that he was a very cheap knock-off of Eddie Vedder, but compound that with sappy lyrics, cheap sentimentality, and Stapp's Jesus complex and what we had was a combination of everything awful about pop-music boiled together into a stew so saccharine and vile that it could prompt a diabetic coma.

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