Monday, October 12, 2009

The Illiberal Liberal

I'm a liberal. That is, I sort of kind of identify as "liberal." But I'm not liberal in the way that Michael Moore is a fat socialist weasel. I'm liberal in the sense that I identify strongly with Enlightenment ideals, progressive thinking, and the idea that we can better society in the long-run. I also believe that taxation can be perfectly acceptable, and that government, in and of itself, is not a bad thing.

However, I also believe that the average American liberal is an annoying noisy wart on the fabric of society. Don't get me wrong: I think most American conservatives are hemorrhoids that ought to be lanced from the stinking colon of the nation. But I don't particularly identify with them, and so it's more fun to point out the follies of the group I identify with the most.

I will be joined, in due time, by guests and colleagues. Some liberal, some conservative, some all over the place. But, I warn you eco-tard, feminist, anti-establishmentarians: this blog will probably piss you off at some point. Unlike most of my liberal brethren, I loathe PC thought. I believe that free and open discussion is what moves society forward-- not sugar-coating with euphemisms that soon become offensive like the words they replace. Therefore, if you believe that we should worry more about people's feelings than what's true, I suggest you go hang out at Huffington Post with the rest of your brethren.

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