Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Feministing misses the point: as usual


Does Feministing have no limit to its ability to miss the point?

It appears not.

So, the reason-we're-bitching-that-life-is-unfair du jour is that a Mexican city has launched women-only taxis that, horror of horrors, has beauty kits in them! Shock! Horror! Shame! Not only does the author of the post find it apparently unfortunate that the taxis have the aforementioned beauty kits on them, she makes a point of whining about the fact that they aren't instead remaking society from the ground up:

Shouldn't we be targeting the gropers and harassers? The onus should be on men to stop harassing women, not on women to escape them.

Sure thing, Jessica. Let's get on that. But in the meantime, how about we stop the women in that city from being attacked and/or raped? Nah, that won't do! We need to worry more about social mores than, I dunno, protecting the women from physical harm.

Look, I get that we should change the culture to make sure that the women aren't treated badly. That's a noble, if slightly long-term, goal for all societies. I applaud that. But you see, I happen to be of the opinion that those women live in a place called "reality." And in "reality" there are sometimes issues we need to deal with immediately. Like women being raped.

But why care about those silly details when you can look self-righteous about the big bad patriarchy and its oppressive ways?

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