Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Liberté, égalité, fraternité

This post by Matt Yglesias manages to expose the inherent deficiencies in the orthodox liberal mindset, which is the dogged insistence on making the perfect (i.e. naïve utopian fantasy) the enemy of the good.

Yes the United States is somewhat unfair in its income distribution. Yes we could stand to be more egalitarian but, given that maids and their employers live in the real world rather than some Marxist paradise, we measure the caliber of a man by how he treats his subordinates.
This is why tradition and culture makes such a big fuss about having a spirit of courtesy, respect, and charity towards each other. It does not matter how equal and egalitarian a society is if everyone insists on being douchebags towards each other.

Does nobody read de Tocqueville any more? Fraternity, not equality, is what we are after.

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